Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To Write

Here are some of the ideas I always wanted to write, but never got the time to. Some of them may seem familiar, so I'm going to throw them up here.

Nightmare Rising: A story I once wrote on The Nook. When people dream, their minds enter a world shared by the Dangoth, protector of the dreamworld, and the Yan, the bringer of nightmares. When one young boy falls asleep, his dreams prove to be the final tip in the balance of power. Will he side with the Dangoth, or the Yan? Will the dreamworld fall into darkness, or will it be saved from it?

Once Upon a Time: Another Nook story, involving the world of fairytales. Things have gone terrible wrong in the land of Once Upon a Time, and the creatures within have become twisted and broken. Happily Ever After no longer applies, and the once-paradise has become a wasteland where villains thrive and heroes weep. Is there any hope left, or are the days of peace numbered?

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